Tuesday, November 8, 2011


memulai Bisnis Online memang gampang-gampang susah
tapi bagi yang baru / ingin mengenalnya silakan kunjungi

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

hunger and poverty

It's sad if such a thing is in front of our eyes. Will we be thinking to help them? Would we'll take care of them? Will we love them? Do we know if they are our brothers who were born from the womb of the mother who became the descendants of Adam and Eve. From this point our hearts to share a knock on them. They are part of humanity that there is hunger in the continent of Africa. Let us imagine that if they are our sisters or our brothers. Let us consider

let's move our hearts to help them through donations. Because the slightest good things useful for our brother, the future must be avenged a thousandfold. Because God is love slave servants of a loving and helping other slaves who are experiencing difficulties.

Monday, November 9, 2009



My Name: Kris
Age: 26 Years
Gender: Male
Residence: Jember
Email: krisanjad@yahoo.co.id
Telephone No.: +6281336148184

Picture Under My business is a place located in Jember today. Every day I come to this counter to find the money to provide for my little family life.

My job is only to sell pulses cellular and computer services

The Story About Me
Once I was one employee of a company engaged in the field of computer and office equipment located in the east Java town of Jember. Experience more or less than 3 years of work come my people take advantage of the best by studying present itself as a demand. I am very grateful to my boss's boss who has given place to work and generate income. Today I start a business engaged in the field of computer. And Thank God I can open my counter even if only out of wood and prone to evictions aja gitu, hehehe. And Thank God I was able to survive with a wife and one of my daughter was a toddler. O Allah, my Lord, the Most Merciful gracious thanks for all the sustenance that you have given to your servant and a small family servant.

LET JUSTICE established on this earth LIFE TO ACHIEVE PEACE

Donate To This Blog

no rek : 0241 665 665
BANK BCA Jember.Jawa Timur.Indonesia

Half of the donations received by this site will be given to orphans and people in need and for the progress of this site

And if you have used or unused computer hardware that can still be used and can be sold in my country, so good as we were sent to the address below without us have to pay the expedition. Because the results we received from the sale of some of the goods will be donated to people who are more needed in our area. Thank you and may god provide sustenance in abundance for us all

Home address:
Jalan Semeru XIX d: 9 RT: 02 RW: Sub-District IV Sumbersari
Sub Sumbersari.

Town : Jember
Provinces : East Java
Country : Indonesia
Phone : +6281336148184
Copyright 2009 SOCIAL